Random Record: Supertramp ‘Crisis? What Crisis?

Crisis? What Crisis? was released in 1975 and the fourth studio album by British progressive rockers Supertramp. 

The artwork particularly caught my attention when I stumbled upon this album. Although this album was released back in 1975 I felt that even today the artwork is quite poignant. As humans, we often tend to sit back and ignore the chaos around us, especially nowadays with global warming and our economic crisis, for example. Obviously this is a sweeping statement and I know not true of everyone, however, most people have an air of nonchalance, much like the guy in the deckchair, and cast aside bigger issues. It’s surprising how much hasn’t changed in over 35 years.


Right, political opinions over, let’s concentrate on the music. Continue reading

Random Record: The Police ‘Synchronicity’

‘Synchronicity’ is 70s/80s English rock band The Police‘s fifth studio album released in 1983. It also became their last album when their sixth album was aborted. The definition of synchronicity is “the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.” Does that definition set the expectations of what the album holds? A jumble of songs only connected by being on the same record? Let’s hope not.

I only know The Police for the simple fact that they’re fronted by Sting. The other members, unfortunately I would not be able to name. Sting is clearly the driving force behind the coppers, with 8 out of 10 tracks written by him. Continue reading