Guest Post: The Plasmatics ‘New Hope For The Wretched’

Forgotten Vinyls: I never thought I would include guest posts on this blog but when I read Karin-Renate van der Graaff‘s review of the Plasmatics album New Hope For The Wretched I knew I’d have to include it. I’m all for powerful female frontwomen and surprisingly, before reading Karin-Renate’s review, I had never heard of Wendy O’ Williams. What a woman, to say the least. 

The amazing pictures are all done by Karin-Renate herself and I hope you enjoy reading her review as much as me!


Last weekend, I nosed about in my mom’s records. I picked a random record, and played it. I was stunned! The record was New Hope For The Wretched by the Plasmatics. A band with a female singer, called Wendy O’ Williams. The record has some brilliant punk tunes that rock big-time! The picture below shows two New Hope for the Wretched albums. To vinyl collectors this might be fun, you can see more vinyl-colours and other labels here.


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